Translation Automation accelerates your time to market.
Working across multiple content platforms can be difficult, and when you need to add multiple language versions it can seem overwhelming. Translation Automation is the answer, and you get started by connecting directly to our translation platform. PureFluent connectors and APIs allow you to connect your CMS, LMS, code repository or authoring systems to our translation platform. This means new content can be automatically extracted for translation and redelivered once the translation process is complete. The benefit for you is a much faster time to market and reduced workloads for your already stretched team.

Let Translation Automation take the strain
Complex, manual translation workflows put a strain on your team. Manual processes are mostly a hidden cost of translation, but when you have to hire someone to help, the cost becomes very real indeed. This is an insidious problem that grows as your translation activities grow. Translation automation is the way to keep your costs down and your team productive.
Multilingual, accelerated
We use our smart translation workflows to accelerate your translation processes. Imagine completing work on a new blog post. Page content and meta description are automatically sent for translation. Your agreed workflow (determined by your Translation Strategy) is automatically triggered. Your dedicated translation team is automatically assigned. Completed translations are automatically delivered back to your website and published. This is not some sort of multilingual utopia. It is actually within your reach today.
PureFluent CMS connectors do the hard work for you, automatically detecting new content for translation. You can configure which content is sent for translation and which is left untranslated, but once you’ve got this step in place you can significantly speed up the translation process and ensure that you don’t leave content unintentionally untranslated.
Translation Automation in Action
With a fully integrated solution, translations are automatically delivered back to your CMS or content repository of choice. You can configure whether translations are published automatically or saved as draft content. When you automate your translation processes, you save time and eliminate human error when copying and pasting translations.
Automatically Set Your Workflows
Your translation strategy defines what you want to translate as well as your translation workflows. Workflows set out the steps required for each type of content, and with our fully integrated solution the right workflow is automatically set for each translation project, saving you time and guaranteeing consistency.
Automatically Set Your Team Roles
Once you have defined your workflows, we can automatically assign the right people to each translation project.
Whether it’s external translators, DTP Engineers or client reviewers, we take the hard work out of the process by automatically assigning the required steps to the right people. See progress on your translation projects in real time on our Translation Portal!
Time to speed up your translations?
If you need a faster translation process, then it’s time to automate. Our free Translation Workflow Review will provide you a clear, achievable roadmap to translation automation.
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Workflow for me
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