Cloud Storage Integration
Order and organise translations direct from OneDrive, Google Drive, Box and Dropbox.
Integrating your document management system with PureFluent simplifies and accelerates your translation process.
Translate documents in the cloud
If you work with cloud storage platforms like Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint, Box and Dropbox, our cloud storage integration lets you automate the translation ordering and delivery process. Simply place translations into the agreed folders and PureFluent will automatically collect new content on a schedule controlled by you.
Translations will be completed using the agreed workflow – either Machine Translation (normally with human post-editing) or professional human translation – and delivered straight back into your cloud storage folder.
This approach turns your existing online document store into a translation hub ensuring that all translations are handled in accordance with your Translation Strategy, benefiting from your existing Translation Memory, Termbase and custom Machine Translation Engine.
Scheduled translations
Cloud Storage Integration also allows you to run your translation process on a regular schedule. For instance, if you have an ongoing copywriting process to create social media posts and blog entries, you can save all your translations until the end of the month and then get everything translated together. This helps to get a consistent style across your translations and often reduces translation costs.
How does this help my team’s workflow?
If you’re used to working collaboratively on documents before translation, simply move completed documents to a translation folder and we’ll automatically collect them for translation. We can do this right away, or on an agreed schedule — for instance, weekly or monthly. We will complete the translations into your agreed target languages and deliver the translated document(s) straight back to your cloud file store.
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Want to see how we translate your cloud based documents?
Let us show you how easy we can make your document translation.
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