Great service from lovely people

Expert advice you can trust

Technology to make translation easier

Great service from lovely people

Expert advice you can trust

Technology to make translation easier

Toller Service von netten Profis

Solide, fachkundige Beratung

Einfache Abläufe dank innovativer Tools

Un service de qualité à visage humain

Expertise, conseil et fiabilité
La technologie au service de la traduction
Servicio excelente de gente encantadora
Asesoramiento experto fiable
Tecnología que facilita la traducción
Servizio eccellente e sempre cordiale
Consigli di esperti fidati e competenti
Tecnologie che semplificano la traduzione
친절한 사람들이 전하는 훌륭한 서비스
신뢰할 수 있는 전문가의 조언
번역을 더 쉽게 만드는 기술

Translation Memory

Scale your translation process with Translation Memory

Translation Memory speeds up the translation process and can substantially reduce your translation costs.

Translation Services
A key to successful translation

A key to successful translation

Translation Memory (TM) is a core technology used across the language services sector and it should play a central role in every organisation’s translation strategy. TM is a database which stores all your translations, allowing each translated segment to be re-used in future translation projects. Where content is repeated within a project (for instance in a website translation), the first translation is automatically propogated to all other instances where that content appears.

Translation Memory doesn’t just save you money – up to 50% in many projects – but time as well. In large projects this often allows you to meet tight deadlines for product or market launches which would otherwise be impossible.

TM drives consistency

TM drives consistency

TM helps to drive consistency by ensuring that previously translated content is reused rather than translated for a second time. A centralised TM ensures consistency even though you are likely to use different translators over time. For urgent projects, we may use two or more translators at the same time. The Translation Memory means that the work of Translator 1 is instantly available to Translator 2.

The best TM systems feature something called Concordance Search. This helps the translator search the TM and Termbase for individual words or phrases which have been previously translated.

TM drives Machine Translation quality

TM drives Machine Translation quality

If you’re considering Machine Translation (MT), TM is critical to training a Machine Translation Engine for your unique brand tone of voice and terminology. We use your TM to train a MTE which gets closer to the results you would expect from human translation. So TM is the foundation of high-quality MT!

Our TM, Terminology, Machine Translation and Multilingual SEO solutions work together to provide the foundations for a fully optimised translation strategy.

Related Services

Terminology Management

Terminology Management

If you’ve been managing translation projects for a while, you’ll know how tricky terminology management can be. Whether it’s a product name or a tag line, it’s got to be right every time.

Our terminology management solution ensures your content can be found and understood by your customers.

Automatic Website Translation

Automatic Website Translation

Managing multilingual content in your CMS can be a real headache. It ties up your team exporting and importing content, and results in slower time to market.

Our Automatic Website Translation connectors make translation quick and simple.

Translation Portal

Translation Portal

Organising a few translations into a few languages is simple enough, but when your content keeps growing and your markets keep expanding, you need a different approach.

The PureFluent Translation Portal brings all of your translation activities together online, accessible by any authorised user anywhere in your organisation.

Want to see how Translation Memory accelerates translation for you?

Technology is transforming the translation process. Take a look at our full translation technology stack to see how we can transform your process.